
Guruji BKS Iyengar was also known as Guruji to his pupils. His teachings of Yoga were revolutionary. Through a lifetime of uninterrupted, intensive, and daily practice, he worked on precision and subtlety, bringing a depth of understanding of the subject.
He developed a system of yoga which enables anyone who practices to find improved health, strength, and mental alertness. Iyengar teachers are skilled at adapting the yoga postures or class sequences to the individual’s needs.
To enable each student to achieve their optimum movement and extension safely in yoga postures, Guruji was creative in his use of various pieces of props to assist in achieving correct postures

Abha Humeniuk has been practicing and studying postures and the philosophy of Yoga throughout her life. Growing up in India gave her a strong foundation in the essence of yoga.. She is a certified Iyengar teacher, currently teaching at her farm near Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada.

Coming to Iyengar Yoga , understanding Precision and Alignment under Mahyar Raz ’s (director of Iyengar School of Toronto) guidance and mentorship in Canada allowed her to facilitate the deeper body mind and breath connections.

Abha teaches people of all different age groups, needs and backgrounds.